Our CSR policy and commitments
to our stakeholders
We have opted for an ambitious plan looking ahead to 2030. Our aim is to reform our sources of supply, reindustrialise our territory and develop products that save energy and resources.
Our HBF Positive initiative encompasses all the actions undertaken by our Group in response to the demands of social and environmental responsibility.
Positive People
Our company’s greatest asset is the men and women who make it up. For them, we have made strong commitments to ensure their professional fulfilment. They have all been made aware of our company’s Corporate Social Responsibility approach and are contributors to the 2030 roadmap. Since 2019, a sustained effort has been made to develop our gender equality index and the work of adults with disabilities.
For our employees
Particular attention to working conditions
Activities and awareness-raising to promote workplace well-being
Deployment of studies and actions to promote gender equality
Corporate culture #WeAreHBF programme
Year-round QWL programme
Mobility program
Progressive transformation of a vehicle fleet
more environmentally friendly
For our future employees
Equal opportunities applied to all recruitment and internal promotions
Promoting cultural diversity within the company
On-Boarding program
are women
are women
in 2023 were women
HBF SAS equality index
HBF Group obtained a score of 91/100 for its actions in favour of equal pay in 2023, an increase of 8 points compared to 2022, and 4 points compared to N-2. The index is calculated on the basis of four indicators and achieves the following results:
The gender pay gap: 37/40
Difference in the rate of individual increases: 35/40
The number of employees receiving an increase following maternity leave: not calculable
Parity among the 10 highest earners: 5/10
HBF and its directors are very committed to Corporate Social Responsibility and to meeting these obligations, and have undertaken to implement an action plan to set targets for progress in the area of professional equality.
Positive Place
To promote well-being at work, HBF Group strives to strengthen employees’ trust in their management, make them proud of their contribution and cultivate positive relationships with their colleagues. With this in mind, we are committed to becoming a company focused on the employee experience, where it is good to work.
To this end, we have set up an induction programme for new employees, offering training and ‘live my life’ sessions. In addition, the Group’s Social and Economic Committee (CSE) is very active, offering employees weekly pilates classes and the opportunity to order baskets of fruit and vegetables at special prices directly from local producers in Ariège. At the same time, we are working to install specific equipment for employees with disabilities or special needs within the Group.
Improving life on our sites
New, more environmentally-friendly sites
Complete overhaul of our furniture charter – Collaborative work
Laying panels for better sound insulation
Elimination of office waste bins and installation of selective sorting points
Switch to 5-stream sorting and recycling of all Group waste
Installation of electric charging points for vehicles
Deleting individual printers
Dematerialisation of 70% of our communication media and customer documents
Switch to electronic document signatures
Positive Products
We regularly challenge our value chain to offer people the best products. By marketing some 50 million products every year, the Group is well aware of its responsibility and the need to guarantee reliable, sustainable products that will enable everyone to make better use of energy in the home. We have chosen an ambitious plan for 2030: to transform our sources of supply, reindustrialise the region and offer products that save energy and materials.
Evolution of our product roadmaps
Commit to producing more references based on recycled materials
Greater commitment to solar energy and alternative energies
Reducing the power consumption of our products
Working on the recyclability of our products
Shorten our supply chains and reverse the ratios
Relocating and re-industrialising to produce locally
Positive Packagings
Our ambition is to reduce to the essentials the packaging used to pack and transport our products. We have chosen to ban inks with solvents, mineral oils and blister packs in the manufacture of our packaging and, where possible, to encourage the sale of our products in bulk. Our aim is to offer minimalist, environmentally-friendly packaging that makes it easy to read the essential information on the shelf. Since 2020, our packaging has been PEFC or FSC certified.
Evolution of our packaging
Refondre globalement toutes les gammes
Reduce packaging, ban over-wrapping and selective varnishing
Limit the use of glues and favour natural components
Encourage bulk packaging wherever possible
Work on the materials and components used
Favour single-component packaging
Favour solvent-free inks and ban mineral oils
Systematically use the FSC and PEFC labels
Ban blister packs for the long-term
Limit the printing of communication materials to what is really necessary
Positive Producers
HBF Group regularly audits all its factories, suppliers and subcontractors to ensure that they comply scrupulously with the specifications imposed. We take particular care to ensure that international labour standards and workers’ rights are respected throughout the value chain. Our quality audits are now complemented by environmental and social audits to ensure that these standards are respected by all.
NF certification
Certification attesting to the product's compliance with safety and quality characteristics.
PEFC-certified label
Products containing materials from sustainably managed forests.
FSC certification
Products from verified and responsible sources.
Positive Projects
HBF is committed to integrating the notion of reducing our environmental footprint into the heart of all our projects. That’s why, over the last few years, we have undertaken an ambitious programme to relocate our production, initiated research into more eco-responsible materials, controlled our purchasing and better managed our waste. We have also begun our transition to greener computing by raising our employees’ awareness of the importance of data protection and cybersecurity, as well as the need to send excessive e-mail, for example.
Positive Process
Respecting our commitments and obtaining the required certifications in accordance with the regulations of the countries where we distribute our products is a central element of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. To this end, we regularly monitor regulations and have joined the United Nations Global Compact. We also establish our carbon footprint in order to reduce our environmental footprint, and we comply with the various CSR certifications and regulations relating to tertiary decree.
HBF Group supports the Global Compact France Network and the Sustainable Development Goals
Since 2019, HBF Group has supported the Global Compact France network. The United Nations Global Compact offers its members a voluntary commitment framework built on the basis of Ten Principles, taken from the fundamental texts of the United Nations, to be respected in terms of human rights, labour law, the environment and the fight against corruption.
This voluntary commitment to CSR aligns the French business world with Agenda 2030 and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Human rights
Principle 1
Promote and respect the protection of international human rights law.
Principle 2
Make sure you are not complicit in human rights abuses.
International labour standards
Principle 3
Respect freedom of association and recognise the right to collective bargaining.
Principle 4
Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.
Principle 5
Contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.
Principle 6
Contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in employment and occupation.
Principle 7
Applying the precautionary approach to environmental problems.
Principle 8
Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Princip!e 9
Encouraging the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies.
Fighting Corruption
Principle 10
Act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Agenda 2030 of the Global Compact
As such, HBF is committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda of the Global Compact. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, HBF proposes concrete responses and measures for 11 of them.
Discover our Communication On Progress (COP) on
the United Nations Global Compact website
HBF Group, as an active member of the organisation, undertakes to publish and update this document regularly. In accordance with the basic principles of the organisation and its operations, HBF Group applies the small steps approach advocated by the Global Compact and undertakes to implement a progress curve and results indicators and to communicate them to all its stakeholders.